Some Good News.   Sept 2020
The Man with the Golden Smile (not as the film “The Man with the Golden Gun”) is Back
W.Bro. John Waring. ProvAsstGSec,2012. Prov GReg 2020, PGStwd. 2015.  PGJD 2018
I am pleased to report that that W.Bro. John Waring PGJD the man who always has a smile for everyone is now back home and recovering well following an operation last Tuesday at Fullwood Hospital.
John is the PGM’s right hand man when it comes to information snippets on members of his Provincial Team when he attends Lodges all over the Province. At any meeting you will see John ticking off everyone who attends and then using multi coloured pens he highlights them all (we still don’t know what his secret system is)
His smile is enough to warm anyone’s heart on a cold, rainy, miserable day, I must admit that I have always found him one of the nicest and most pleasant persons to spend time with. 
I am sure we all wish John a speedy and full recovery and send our best wishes also to his wife who I’m sure is looking after him in fine style.  (one good thing perhaps she has can now get hold of the TV remote)
Here’s hoping to see you soon at a meeting somewhere, that is if life as we know it ever gets back to some kind of normality.
Take Care Out There, Stay in Touch with your Family and all your Friends in the Happy, Friendly Mark Degree, phone, TX, E Mail even an old-fashioned letter whatever it takes, do it today.
Mark Well,
Words and pictures by Austin Fletcher